Every now and then I have young snails that can go. If you are interested in a species listed below, or other snails, send a message. I only ship within the EU.
Acavus haemastoma haemastoma 45 EUR/animal
8 subadults
Archachatina porphyrostoma 5 EUR/animal
10 young animals
Camaena platyodon 4 EUR/animal
Young animals about 2 cm in size (6)
Caracolus excellens 8 EUR/animal
About 2cm in size (8)
Caracolus marginella marginella 4 EUR/animal
Almost adult animals (10)
Caracolus marginella semiaperta 4 EUR/animal
Subadult animals (10)
Caracolus sagemon 'Gran Piedra' highland form 4 EUR/animal
About 1 cm in size (10)
Caracolus sagemon 'Gran Piedra' lowland form 4 EUR/animal
Subadult animals (15)
Caracolus sagemon sp type 4 Cuba striped 4 EUR/animal
Subadult animals (10)
Caracolus sagemon sp. type 4 Cuba dark 4 EUR/animal